Town of Newbury
Public Safety Complex Committee
DATE: October 23, 2013 Approved as written, 10/30/2013
Present: Tracy Blais, Sam Joslin, John Lucey, Jr., Eric Svahn, Martha Taylor, Curtis Walton
Absent: Keith Grant, Rob Serino
Guests: Mike Doyle
Martha Taylor, Chair, called the meeting to order at 8:17 a.m.
GOAL: To design and build a public safety complex for the Town of Newbury that will house the Newbury Police Department, Newbury Fire/Protection 2 and Emergency Management with space and resources to accommodate both agencies’ needs for the next 50 years while renovating the existing Town Hall building to better accommodate Town Hall services.
1. Deficiency Report
2. Site Feasibility Report
3. Design Phase
4. Construction & Renovation Phases
Motion: A motion was made by E. Svahn and seconded by S. Joslin to approve the minutes of October 16, 2013 as written. The motion passed with three in favor (Joslin, Svahn, Taylor) and two abstentions (Blais and Walton, who were not present at that meeting).
- Property Survey/Existing Site Conditions: M. Taylor reported on a conversation with Tim Meehan at ARCSEA, who said that the wetlands have been flagged and initial fieldwork has been completed and that the updated plan will be submitted by November 11. Proposals have been received from GZA and Ransom Environmental for the Phase 1 21E study.
Motion: A motion was made by S. Joslin and seconded by C. Walton to authorize the Chair of the Committee to move forward with the Phase 1 21E study once permission has been received from Protection #2. The motion passed unanimously.
- Lease vs. Ownership: Protection #2 has indicated that it would be willing to consider sale of the property. Lease vs. sale of the property will be discussed at Protection #2’s November meeting.
- Draft Building Assessment Report/Conceptual Plans: Based on discussion at the October 21 meeting of the Board of Fire Engineers, it appears that it will be acceptable not to include a Function Hall in the new public safety complex. However, confirmation is still needed from Protection #2.
M. Taylor, S. Joslin, and T. Blais met to discuss outstanding information still needed by CSS in order for the architects to complete their study. A draft was put together addressing the missing items and will be distributed to the Committee members for review and comment.
- Project Costs/Budget: E. Svahn will develop a more detailed breakdown of estimated site and building costs for submission to CSS. It was noted that all budget figures are for discussion only at this point.
- Project Outreach: Jen Solis would like some historical information on the Police and Fire Departments for a background article on the project. T. Blais will put her in touch with S. Joslin, who has done some research on the two buildings. It was suggested that she also talk with R. Serino, who is very familiar with the history of the Fire Station.
- Site Development/Space Needs: C. Walton raised two planning concerns brought up by Protection #2:
- Potential conflict between traffic coming over the hill on Morgan Ave. and apparatus entering and exiting the Fire Station. S. Joslin noted that this situation will not be significantly different from what it is now.
- A freestanding diesel tank and pumping station is needed for fueling the trucks.
- Project Approval: The Committee will be looking for a vote from Protection #2 and then from the Board of Fire Engineers authorizing the Town to proceed with the project if it determines that the site is viable.
On a motion made by T. Blais and seconded by S. Joslin, the meeting was adjourned at 9:02.
NEXT MEETING October 30, 2013, 8:15 A.M.
Fire Hall
Respectfully submitted,
Martha L. Taylor
Town Planner